Waiting Room

Blog for September 23rd, 2024

Waiting Room

     “Hurry up and wait” is the old refrain that many of us have learned so well in this life.  I personally have been acutely aware of this phenomenon this last week.  Three different doctor’s appointments, two were my husbands, one mine with the dentist.  A hair appointment.  A work-related meeting that kept being put off, and a surprise situation that left me in a waiting room for three hours to do a five minute deal.

     Then there’s the waiting for our new window to get here, we had to wait for our water heater to get fixed. I wait for people to answer text messages and phone calls, especially on important matters and the best one of all, we’re expecting a new great grandson any minute.  That’s the best wait of all.

     We’re waiting on insurance and medical stuff to get back to us and hope it all works out, I need eye surgery. There are so many things we wait for, all the time.  The sun to go down, the sun to come up, we wait on our friends, our families. We wait for things to get all sorted out and we wait on healing, so many kinds of healing.

     I am still waiting on my son to stay clean and get grounded in life. I’m waiting on the election to be over with, I’m waiting to lose twenty pounds. Lol. I’m waiting to go on vacation. I’m waiting for someone to clean my yard and my house. Even Zoom has a waiting room! I’m waiting to have enough time to finish my book. I’m just waiting. I’m waiting to meet Jesus. 😊

     One wonderful thing I no longer wait for is my Knight in Shining Armor!  Because he came already, about forty-four years ago, thank you Lord.  I do not have to wait on God either, He’s already here with me too.  I do not have to wait on my recovery, I’ve had it since April 1st, 1985. I do not have to wait on a job, boy I remember those days, job hunting is the worst. I have worked and done my time and retired from my main day job, but I still continue with a part time teaching job at the local college. 

     I do not have to wait to see all fifty states, I have done that already and some of them a few times. I do not have to wait until I get to heaven to find out who my real, biological dad is, I found out this year, after I totally gave up.  I have a whole new family.  I do not have to wait to meet them, I did that already at the big 50th family reunion in Tennessee.

     I am so grateful for the things that I do not have to wait on anymore, but doctor appointments and other issues will continue to be a regular part of life, so.. we wait. And actually, I’m grateful for the wait of those appointments too.  My BFF lives in a retirement community and she says the people there call it “Heaven’s waiting room”.  I’m not sure how to feel about that, I guess no matter our age, we’re all kind of in Heaven’s waiting room aren’t we?

Question of the Week:  What are you waiting for?

PS- Happy Fall Ya’ll

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