Blog for October 28th, 2024
A Servants Heart
The last few days have been jammed packed for me. I feel like I’m juggling those bowling pins in the air like they do. About five or six at a time! I have had to work hard to keep my balance and get it all done. It’s been a while since I’ve found myself in this kind of place, where it’s one thing after another for days in a row.
But it’s not bad stuff, not until tomorrow. My nephew’s funeral. I know I need to brace myself. Burying a young person, he was twenty-eight is never ever easy, never. Much less any person you love so much. That will be tomorrow, so I may write on that next week. Just for today, for this week-end, it’s been about NA.
Yesterday we ended up going out of town to a meeting, and they even ask me to lead. I was a little hesitant at first because I hadn’t been there in a long time, nor had I led a meeting in a long time. But it was good, because serving the fellowship when asked is something I was taught to do.
Then today we had our “Learning Day” which I was a part of the planning and implementing it, again, because I am a servant of my area. Then it was followed by our Area meeting. I am a representative to the region from my area, so I stayed for that business meeting. I felt it was all successful, the learning day and the area meeting.
We had friends who know our service structure well come and share their experience, strength and hope with our GSR’s and anyone who wants to be of service in our area. It was great, because they too all have servants’ hearts. Many of the people there said that they learned a lot of new things.
But mostly, my takeaway was the fun we had, the camaraderie we shared, and our love of the fellowship, each other and wanting to give back and help other addicts to get clean and stay clean. I felt really good about that. And that’s a good thing. When like-minded people get together to promote their cause, and in this case the “cause” is to help people get off drugs and find a better life, then good things happen.
It also feels good to know that we have a plan, and we have each other. We have a purpose and as I told them all, if you are here, it’s because you have a servant heart”. And to me, that’s a beautiful, wonderful, glorious thing to have. I believe God gives us that kind of desire, to help others.
It’s been a long few days and I have a few more ahead of me, so I will keep this short today. I had intended to write a bit more about faith, a highly important topic and certainly a servants heart come from our beliefs and faith, but I will get back to that next week.
Meanwhile, I will continue to love, serve and give where I can, by the grace of my God. And I hope you all do too, what a wonderful world it would be if we all did that.
Question of the Week: Do you have a servant heart?