Well, that was fun!

     Hello everyone, I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving and maybe some time off. We decided to take a little road trip up state to my nieces, quite an adventure! The weather was an issue, the traffic and riding with a little boy and a dog was fun. But we expected that. It was a great trip and seeing my niece and her family really did my heart good. They were all so good to us and I loved being with them. My niece Tiffany is the only surviving child of my sister Susan, who passed away in 1997. Susan and I were not only sisters, but best friends and we were running buddies back in my wild and crazy times. It was in those wild and crazy times that contributed to her early death. I still miss her like crazy, so being with the daughter that she loved so very much and her grandkids that were so dear to her meant the world to me this Thanksgiving to be with them, her “heart of hearts”. That is a term that she used often.. Man I miss her! My confidant and bestie. Loved me no matter what, backed me no matter what!

     My niece has always been very special to me, since the day she was born. She too is in my Heart of hearts. However, over the years there has been a few things that have happened that have cause a riff in our relationship.  Not going into the details but we all know how painful it is when someone you love a lot lies to you and avoids you. The pain can be quite deep. But here’s the thing, time can indeed be the healer of all wounds. Why? Because we grow older? Because we love them so much we just can’t help but to forgive? Because we forget? Because it just doesn’t matter anymore? Because love is more important than grudges or resentments? I don’t know, but I do know that resentments will kill us, even if it’s not with someone you love so much. I think this is a great time of year to grant forgiveness, not for them, for you! I realize there are resentments and life long painful issues and damage done to a lot of us, pain caused to children is one of the most difficult to ever forgive.

     It can be extremely difficult to forgive people who took advantage of innocence, vulnerabilities, helplessness and powerlessness. Yet, forgiveness can be a release from the hold they have on you.  This isn’t for them, it’s for you, so you can move on and take them with you everywhere and into every relationship.  I know for me; this is an action that I had to take with my God and myself.  It doesn’t happen instantly; it takes time to heal deep wounds and it takes me building my own confidence and esteem.  How do we do that? For me, it’s finishing one little goal at a time, until-one day, I find I have finished a bigger goal and keep building strength and courage within myself.  Like I said, I rely on the God of my understanding to do this, that is where I seek guidance and motivation. 

          My question this week is, “are you needing to forgive someone’? How are you moving towards that forgiveness?  Give yourself time, reflection and seek out your sponsor and God for direction. 

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. James Faulkenberry

    Yes, it was a fun trip. Thanks for sharing it with me. I enjoyed seeing Tiff, John Joseph and the kids. Bubba has met new cousins and seems to have bonded well with them. Lady learned how to behave in a house where she wasn’t the only dog. My wife had some healing and comfort by being with family she does mot see often enough.
    The drive up and back, pulling a travel trailer through all kinds of weather and traffic was not real pleasant, but in the long run it was worth it.

    1. admin

      You are the sweetest man in the world!

  2. Tiffani

    Interesting!! Yes it is . Forgiveness and acceptance i believe kinda go hand in hand for myself. One of the hardest things for me to do. But when I finally did , I learned that it wasn’t all about the other person but it was about me and my journey to be a better person. Love you with all my heart!! Your niece Tiffani. Can’t wait to see all again

    1. admin

      Tiffffff! You are so amazing and I love you more than anything! You have always been wise beyond your years. It sounds like you understand much more than the average bear! mawahh

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