Projection vs Staying in the Now!

Pre-lude disclaimer:  If you are a health-care worker, work in a hospital or clinic of any sort in any capacity, thank-you dearly and you’re in my prayers.  If you are a grocery worker, a truck driver, a person who delivers goods especially medical equipment.  Thank-you.  God Bless you all. And God forbid, if you have the virus, or a loved one or you have lost someone due to this virus, my heart goes out to you, deeply.

     Day 14, and as expected the “Stay Home” order has been extended until the end of April.  I’m just praying that will be enough.  I don’t know about you, but this is not easy to accept and deal with. The news is full of sad stories and thousands are dying.  Unbelievable!   We all know the hardship and pain of this Pandemic, the thing is, what are doing with it?  Are you staying in place?  Or do you have to work out of the home? Do you need to go to the store and go shopping?  Are you dealing with children at home and how to continue their education? 

     That’s not the worse of it, do you or someone you love have other health problems and underlying conditions that could be detrimental to them?   Do you live in a highly infected area? Are your nearby hospitals splitting at the seams with patients?  So, you’re praying you or your people do not have to go there? 

     Are you Zooming and face to face-ing with your people?  Are you ordering the things you need online?  Not seeing your family, like grandparents or older kids? Is it hard not to watch the news?  Well, if you answered yes to at least two of these questions then you are indeed affected by the Pandemic.

     So, how is this affecting your recovery?  Is it getting tense at home? Do you miss seeing your friends in recovery? 

     I’m sorry I keep asking questions, but it seems to be the theme of the times we’re in.  We’re still asking, wondering, waiting and for sure praying. 

     So, what can we do while we wait for this to pass? (oops, another question) – I’d love to hear your ideas and what you are doing to stay healthy and sane. To keep your recovery on track.  Personally, I’ve just been trying to do the One Day at a Time thing, and not project.  Because when I project, my fear level and stress levels go up.  So, what keeps me in check?  Here’s a list of some of the things I’ve been incorporating into my daily schedule in order to live in the now and keep my thoughts focused on what I can do. I hope some of my ideas are useful to you all, I’m sure a whole lot of you are doing them too. Please share your ideas too. God Bless.

  1. Stay home. 2. Pray. 3. Wash my hands. 4. Don’t let people come over, not even my cute kids and grandkids, not friends, no sponsees, no one. (the Instacart guy drops my bags off at the gate and I go out with gloves and wipes and wipe off the bags and bring them in and wipe off each item as I take it out) 5. Text/call/e-mail with family, friends and sponsees. 6. I continue to work because I work online. 7. Exercise (when I get to it). 8. Write my morning pages (as per the Artist Way) read my Bible, Prayer Journal.  9. Take care of our dog. 10. Manage the food, cook dinners, fix lunches and clean all the time! 11. Check E-mail and deal with it as best I can.

12. Check Facebook, try to be brief. 12. At some point in the day, usually what I call a break time, do my Luminosity. (keep the brain sharp).  13. Make sure my grandson is on task and on track with his lessons, keeping it fun and interesting for him also. 14. Make a couple of calls a day, checking on peeps. 15. Hit a Zoom meeting every now and then and connect with my recovery community. 16. Look for the good stuff, positive things. Watch uplifting shows and movies, play music. 17. I’ve been looking at our pictures of places we’ve gone and fun times.  Knowing, we’re gonna do that again someday soon.  18. Work in the yard and about once a week we take a ride out into the middle of no where if weather permits. 19. Started writing a story that I started a couple of years ago and I love doing that. 20. Read! I read a lot.

These are just some of the regular daily habits I’ve been getting into.  If you have others, please tell us about them. 

Question of the Week:  What are doing for your recovery/sanity in this lock down time of the Pandemic? 

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Julie McNally

    Well I still have to go to work and if I go to the store I wear my mask, I have hand sanitizer in my car & as soon as I get my groceries home I spray everything down with Lysol. I wash any bottles and cans that I bought before I put in my fridge. Then I change my clothes get into my pajamas make my lunch watch some TV. Then I do my journal. Then as the evening rolls in I clean out my litter box brush my cat which is very moody but he loves to be brushed. Then it may be time for a zoom zoom meeting and there I get to see all my peeps. I pray for my son and his fiance who works at the grocery store in Washington I pray for my other son and his family and I pray for everybody that has to work in the medical field and every other essential worker that has to be out there. I touch base with my girlfriends and my sponsor. I seem to sometimes feel a little more anxious the longer this goes on. I miss getting hugs…. My normal routine before this was going out to some meetings and being with my friends and getting hugs two or three days a week. I live alone with a moody cat LOL. It is nice though to have him waiting by the door when I get home. I’m glad I found your blog I love you very much.

    1. admin

      I know it’s really hard not getting those hugs. I’m glad you have your moody cat. Thank goodness for internet, zoom, phones. Love you

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