
Look Familar?


      When I started this week’s blog, about four days ago, several things interrupted the process of completing it.  One being my computer had issues and I had to call the people in another land to have them help me fix it.  When I got going again, what I had written was gone. ☹

     Then other distractions began to happen.  My son has needed help (I have a truck) moving.  I was glad to do it, but then it turned into a situation, if you know what I mean. In other words, I’ve had some extra kids and people to tend to as well as going places.  That’s fine, but I just get distracted. Even when everyone is here and minding, it is still hard for me to focus on the business at hand.  I was up late last night doing my work, you know, the kind I get paid to do.  😊

     Therefore, this blog has now become about Distractions.  I got to thinking about that topic and I certainly see it everywhere around me, don’t you?  The news is making everyone crazy, as it is about what is going on in the world and yes, we need to know, but it’s a lot! Between the violence & politics, the virus and the heat I think we’re all about done for.  That’s exactly when people, start looking for outside relief. Drugs provide that distraction very very well.  Even to the point of death.

     I am hearing reports of alcohol abuse and drug abuse on the rise in these uncertain times.  It caused to me to think of another time in my life that had a lot of strange and uncertain circumstances all around us.  It was called the Sixty’s.  A very turbulent and whacky time to say the least.  A lot of protests, war, killing presidents and drug use exploded with a bang that was heard throughout the universe!

     Looking back, I get it.  I can see why we so easily turned to drugs.  I had a t-shirt that said, “Drugs are for people who can’t handle reality.”  And boy oh boy, isn’t that the truth.  For some of us it’s an escape from a more personal and fearful place of pain, abuse and heartache.  Drugs are a great distraction and relief from reality.  And unfortunately, we are right back where we were, but with more media for the promoting of fear, more cable news, reports and hatred than ever before. 

     If you are managing to get through this pandemic and protesting and violence and joblessness and fear of economic collapse without using, yay! Good for you! Keep up the good work and share that experience, strength and hope with others in need. As we say, “You can only keep what you have by giving it away”.   If  you’re not staying clean then I will have a list of zoom meetings and hotline numbers at the end of this blog for you to reach out for help. Even though we are all pretty much apart right now, you are not alone.  Just because we can’t meet in person doesn’t mean we can’t meet!  Zoom is saving my life right now. The internet is saving my life.  When I choose to go to healthy sites and search out ways to stay healthy and so on.

      Yes, there is plenty of distraction right now to keep us from focusing on our goals, dreams and staying healthy.  We can get sucked in and sucked down into the massive media blitz.  But using or drinking is still not the answer.  Please seek out help, even in this time of no physical meeting.  By the way, just an FYI, God is everywhere and you can call on Him at any time. Do not let this state of affairs distract you from your relationship with your Higher Power.  Call on Him now.

     Have you ever heard the story of the Sirens from Greek mythology?  The were beautiful woman who would lure the sailors away from their ships with their enchanting music and singing hypnotic songs.  The were dangerous creatures and they are a part of the infamous Greek story, Odysseus. Have you ever caught the movie “Oh Brother where Art Thou?”  then you would get a good idea what they were.   They lured the men and keep them kind of in a trance where they lose track of time and all meaning of life. They forget where they were going and they don’t care, they lose total focus.  It is very hard to break free from this trace.  I liken that to addiction of drugs (that always includes alcohol).   Note: There is another movie, “Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightening Thief”- there is a scene where they are in Las Vegas and have the Siren experience, check it out. While you’re at it, Gollum on Lord of the Rings is another great example. 

     As easy as it is to get distracted and off course, as it is to not want to look at what’s going on around us and feel the pain and confusion of it all, you must pull yourself away from the trance of addiction. Set yourself free.  Call on God, call on a friend who is not using and cares about you.  Try a zoom meeting. You can go in with your video off and mute it so they can’t hear you or what’s going on in your home or wherever you are.  Just listen and stay anonymous until you feel comfortable enough to participate. 

    There are also hotlines and counseling centers that are taking calls and will help you.  Make getting clean and recovery your new distraction. 

Question of the Week:   What’s distracting you these days?  We do need some distraction, but not as a steady diet.

Distraction:  1.a thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else.

2. Extreme agitation of the mind or emotions.

3. The process of diverting the attention of an individual or group from a desired area of focus and thereby blocking or diminishing the reception of desired information.

4. It is caused by the lack of ability to pay attention; lack of interest in the object of attention; or the great intensity, novelty or attractiveness of something other than the object of attention. 

Distraction can be visual, auditory or cognitive.  Life’s biggest distractions are 1. Social media. 2. Smartphones. 3. Media (TV, Music) 4. People.

Zoom meetings:

1. Fire in the Bellow, Mondays 8pm EST, so 5pm pacific.  Code ID 829 042 7292, Password = 1

2. Pass Into Recovery. Monday 12-1pm PST.  ID code- 723 988 1220 , Password= just4today

3. The Right Stuff, Mondays 7-8:30pm EST.    This meeting has a rotating format. ID code= 545 351-344 Password-596133

4.  Late Night Infectious Recovery:  Monday – 11pm EST. Sun-Fri.  ID code- 867 161 320

5.Free Basic Text Study: Mondays 6:30 pm  PST.   ID code 350 118 822

6.  Hope not Dope: Monday Mornings Hope Dealers. 7am-8:15 EST.  ID code – 424 417 5297, Password – 000000

7. Stroud Soldiers – Monday night newcomers   ID Code- 774 876 080, Password – recovery

8. New Attitudes Group (Daytona Beach) Speaker meeting.  Mondays- 7:30 -8:45pm EST,  ID code- 693 634 866, Password- 212297

9. One Requirements: Leader speaks, then a speaker. Monday 8:15pm PST,  ID code- 841 464 353

10. Mustache Monday: 7pm PST.  ID code – 867 161 320   – no password

11. No More Excuses: Monday 7pm , ID code 434 822 770, Password- stlna

12. Every day:   Just for Today,  10am  ID code- 100 258-932  no password.  

13. Monterey County Area, Daily at Noon PST.  ID code- 717 615 034   Password- noon. 

14.  QuarantiNA, Fresno, Monday- Friday, 12pm PST,   ID code- 150 959 940, Password-431197

15.  Quarantine NA So Cal, daily- 3pm.  ID code- 341-174-000, no password. 

Try these “good” distractions as well as zoom meetings when you need a break

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Monica

    Excellant topic! I like that you added some times and places for people to jump on and get some recovery. I dont know about you but, sometimes I need to run to a meeting. I thought about using today. I hadn’t thought about that in forever, usually its a thought followed by a “glad I dont have to live that way anymore.” Today it was early I was looking at one of the pages on fb, that talks about who got arrested and for what, I keep it on my fb, cause, I have found out when my kids were in jail that way. Anyway, somebody got popped with alot of drugs, I found myself zooming in on the picture of the drugs. It was alot. I mean nothing cartel like, just enough for somebody like me to get lost for awhile. Wowzers, I hadn’t thought about that in awhile. I came to my senses, but not as soon as I would have liked. I dont want that life. You just cant take the drugs and not have the lifestyle with it. Bummer. lol anyway i have alot of distractions going on at the moment. Actually now that I think of it, I have alot more distractions going on than I even knew I was dealing with. There are times when I dont even know I am handling business, haha, but, I guess I am. A friend and I were just talking about how it seems when your going through something it seems like this outside force is watching and waiting for your weak moment and knows just where to pounce. For me Its when I am sensitive. I am going to try and focus on my recovery. If I had some headphones, I think I would have jumped on one of those meetings while I am at work. But, i will have to wait til I get off. Love ya and thanks

    1. admin

      Thank-you again Monica, for your realness and candor. For your honesty and encouragement! You are amazing.

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