Comfort ( & Joy?)

Ohn Mar Win on Instagram: “Trying a fairly limited palette #WIP #icecream  #foodie #foodillustration #theyd… | Christmas phrases, Comfort and joy,  Christmas graphics


     “Speak to me of Comfort Jacob”. (Ebenezer Scrooge, from a Christmas Carol, written by Charles Dickens.)  Scrooge tells his dead ghostly business partner this when Jacob Marley had come to haunt scrooge and warn him about the three Spirits coming his way that Christmas eve night.  The greedy, selfish ol Scrooge was a little frightened about that after hearing of all the poor souls who needed food, shelter, kindness and love.  Scrooge didn’t like hearing about the bad stuff, he wanted sweet, easy comfort.

     I’ve been thinking about comfort all week, and have noticed it come up in movies, in scriptures and things I’ve read and heard.  We even have a wonderful Christmas song that is popular this time of year that tells us of “tidings of comfort and joy”. 

     Of course, with comfort, comes a joyful feeling. If even for a fleeting moment. I am reminded of times in my addiction when I would find moments of comfort.  And I’m not talking about the drugs, I’m talking about when I would find a safe, cozy place to sleep.  Maybe it was dirty and lacking, but it was a place, a place I could curl up in a sleep for a bit and rest.

     Or maybe I would find comfort by being in the presence of someone who meant me no harm and was kind to me. Maybe even giving. My sisters come to mind, especially my sister Judy.  With them, I felt safe.  Also, with my brother, but he was a square and I didn’t go around him too much in my deep addiction.

     Over these years of my recovery, I have found a more sustained comfort just by living clean and creating a stable life. Staying in one place and making it “home”. I find great comfort in my faith, in my relationship with my husband and in my program.  I find comfort in being with my friends, sponsees, sponsor and in certain places.  As strange as it sounds, there are places that give me comfort the minute I step foot there.  Like the local community college I attended and have worked at the past twenty years or so.  I get a peaceful, happy feeling when I’m on campus, I love the rose garden there and the view of town. 

     There are other places where I find comfort and peace, like movie theaters, the mountains, out in the middle of the desert and nature in general.  There’s nothing like stepping into a loved one’s house on a cold day and being hit with the smell of delicious food cooking and the warmth of the home.  Especially the smell of chocolate chip cookies baking. Ummm

     Lately, with the global pandemic going on, and friends and family having the Covid, the feeling of doom instead of comfort has been all about us.  And here it is, the Holiday Season and Christmas is this week, when we all want to be happy and comfortable with our families. Well, some of us do, I know there are others who are not bothered by not getting to be with family, but for some of us, it is less than comforting that we can all celebrate together.

     So, with that, I am trying to seek out my own comfort in the situation.  Staying safe, away from possible infection is first and foremost the most important thing that I can do. I do this for my husband, due to his preexisting conditions.  Next, while we stay as safe as possible, we will seek comfort in our God, our faith, the reason for the season. We will seek comfort in each other, and in knowing that when we make it through this pandemic, we will all be having many more Holidays together with our families. (FYI- I really love cozy little comfy cottages!)

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     We take comfort in the fact that we have a safe place to be and make our little home as comfortable and cozy as we can while trying to help our little grandson have some good childhood Christmas memories, like all children should in my opinion. We will take comfort in the knowledge that we tried.

     We take comfort in the fact that we don’t have to get loaded in these trying times.  We take comfort in the idea that this will not last forever and we’ll be fine.  I take comfort in accomplishing some projects while in quarantine. I’m not just gonna sit here and doing nothing.  I want to have grown in my recovery and faith. I want to share the hope I have.

     Peace, joy and comfort, no matter where we find it or how we get to it, I pray that you all have some during these difficult days of the pandemic during the holidays.

Question of the Week:  Where do you find your comfort?


2 Corinthians 1:4

Verse Concepts

who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.


2 Thessalonians 2:17

Verse Concepts

comfort and strengthen your hearts in every good work and word.

Isaiah 66:13

Verse Concepts

“As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you;

And you will be comforted in Jerusalem.”


Isaiah 40:1

Verse Concepts

Comfort, O comfort My people,” says your God.


2 Corinthians 7:6 ESV / 2

But God, who comforts the downcast, comforted us by the coming of Titus,

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