Don’t Quit Five Minutes before the Miracle!

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My Blog for February 8th, 2021

Don’t Quit Five Minutes before the Miracle!

     I think we’re all about at the end of our ropes in this crazy ass pandemic and political bs.  Come ‘on now, you know it’s true.  And the thing is, besides all that overwhelming crap, we all have our “ordinary” issues.  Like, cancer, COPD, mental illness’, MS, family that is off the hook, addiction!  It’s enough to make you want to throw in the towel!

     Dealing with kids not being in school is a biggie.  Not being with loved ones who are in the hospital whether they are there with Covid or some other issue.  There are still necessary surgeries, heart attacks, car accidents, home accidents and the flu! Remember the flu? Yes, people still get very sick from the flu and it also is a life-threatening virus. 

     So, now what? How about this, how about, we hang in there?  I know, I know.  I feel like crying when I write that. I want to see my kids, I want to hug and kiss my grandkids. I want to go to meetings, restaurants, movies, concerts, shopping.  I miss my friends. Thank the Lord for zoom, but even still, it’s so hard. We need people contact.  I get it peeps; I get it.  Bu

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t really, hang in there! Don’t quit five minutes before the miracle!

     Nine more days and we’ll have shot number 2!  Then, we wait two more weeks, then, we can kinda sorta lift our heads up out of the sand, peek out of the dark cave into the light.  For us it will be the first of March, then here comes Spring, my daughter’s birthday, Spring will be official on the 22nd of March.  The sun will come out, the birds will sing, the leaves will turn green again, the music will be cranked up, the BBQ’s will start, the planting will begin.  Life will bloom once again. 

     Just don’t quit my peeps, just don’t quit.  I think I’m talking more to myself than anyone else, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. And as we dig out of this tunnel, we don’t have to dig alone, we have each other.  I know many have fallen by the wayside, but some remain, stay strong.  Don’t use no matter what, well my friends, here’s no matter what! If you are at the end of your rope, make a knot and hang on.  I think I just talked myself into finishing the housework, getting on my treadmill and reading in the Living Clean book. 

     Then maybe we’ll take the boy out to ride his little dirt bike, do some target practice and keep on keep’n on!  Just don’t quit.  I remember when I was so tired of going to work every day, but the program had taught me to suit up and show up, so I did.  Then I starting positing myself for retirement.  Paying things off and putting a little something back into savings.  Talking to the retirement dude- a lot, lol. 

     Then, in the last two years I made a big count down chart, lol. I loved X-ing them days off as they went by, some of them days crawled at a snail pace, others flew like the wind.   I feel like doing a countdown to getting our lives back and seeing the world come out of the pandemic. 

     I’m praying for this Spring and Summer to see us all come out and play again, work again, visit, enjoy life and nature and the world around us. I can’t wait to hug!  I am a hugger and I miss it.  Well, world, we’re looking at the light at the end of this horrid tunnel with so much loss and pain that we’ve all been in.  The end is in sight, God is with us and we’re gonna make it.  Chin up, eyes on the prize, keep on keep’n on and whatever you do, DON’T QUIT FIVE MINUTES BEFORE THE MIRACLE!

Question of the Week:  Are you feeling like giving up? Getting high? Running away? Living recklessly without a mask and distancing? Did you go to a big Super bowl party?  Or just took off traveling?  How are you handling it? 

Image result for don't quit five minutes before the miracle
AKA – Don’t Use No Matter What!

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