One of the Good Ones

Blog for April 12th,

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Me and the boys by Peeka-boo slot canyon, by a Hoo-doo!

     Well, as I mentioned last week, I was preparing for a little vaca with the fam. We only went about 5 to 6 hours away. But it was good to get out of the house for a few days.  All in all, it was a pretty good trip with lots of beautiful sights on the hikes and drives.

     On one of the hikes my husband walked into the canyon with me for a ways and about an eighth of the way in he found a nice place to wait for me.   I went on into the canyons and slot canyons by myself, it was a beautiful day and a nice breeze kept me cool enough.  There were other people, couples, families, groups of friends on the trail also and God put some of them in just the right places right when I really needed them the most.

     I didn’t have a lot of sunlight left and I had told my husband that I would head back by 6pm, so we could get back to the trail head, to our truck before dark.  But, crazy me, I couldn’t stop.  I would talk to hikers  heading out of the canyon and they would tell me it was about 15 more minutes, five more minutes and so on, but I don’t think they really knew how old and slow I am. Lol

It looks easy from here, but it’s not!

     One couple told me about the “ladder” and I was like “what”?  oh man, but they said, once down the ladder it was so worth it.  However, when I got to the “ladder”, I stopped and said a little prayer, “oh Lord, please help me here”.  Just then, a family came up around the corner and the man ask if I needed help.  Yay!  I handed him my camera and my water and he talked me down the ladder backwards.  His wife and kids were also encouraging. 

     Once I was down and walking through a very narrow high walled, stone slot canyon, I came upon another family that was taking a lot of pictures right there.  I got on pass them and then boom! It opened up and what a magnificent view!  A monolith stone wall with an over hanging cave!  So beautiful.  There was one lady out there by herself and it turned out she was part of the family I had passed in the slot canyon, she offered to take my picture, I kinda got a picture of her too, she was dressed in her native countries attire, very beautiful. 

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     As I was walking into the canyon, I’d ask some of the people heading out to tell my husband hi for me when they got up to him. Then, as I was walking out of the canyon I’d ask if they’d seen him and they said “yes, he said to tell you hi”.  Lol, we made a lot of friends on that hike!  People that do stuff like that, like enjoying the great outdoors, are so friendly.

    On the way out, when I got back to the “ladder”, again, I paused, assessed the situation and said a little prayer, and boom, another family came up from behind.  They went up first and then the man held my camera and water and guided me up.  Once I was up on the top rock, he helped pulled me up off the ground.  Yay!  Thank-you God for all the kind people on my path.  Not just there, but all around us, throughout our lives, there are good people. 

     It’s just I’m so used to dealing with addicts and so many people from the seedy side of life that when I run into a whole slew of nice people it takes me aback.  I take notice of nice people. I also keep an eye out for scrupulous people as well. 

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A very patient man, I love him so much

     But here’s the kicker, of all those nice, friendly people, the nicest one, was my sweet husband.  My love waited for me, right where I left him, even though I took a lot longer than I said I’d be.  He is the most patient man I’ve ever known.  He is definitely one of the good ones. 

     I heard that song just a couple weeks ago as I was driving back home from my grandson’s house, where I had been watching his sweet little baby boy, who is 2 years old.  I go and watch him about once a week when my grandson goes to school, he is studying to be a doctor and yes, I am so very proud of him.  He has always been a very good kid, a good man and now an awesome husband and father, as well as an excellent medical student.  He has never seen me loaded and he is my oldest grandchild.  Anyway, the song, it’s by Gabby Barrett, called “The good ones.”  I started to cry as I thought about my husband, my grandson and my grandfather.  Yes, there are some really awesome men in this world.  True, real, caring, loving, Godly men.

     Of all the crap that life has thrown at me and of all time I have spent fighting it off, getting caught up again and again in other people’s addictions and issues as I’m recovering from my own addiction has kept me pretty much in a negative frame of mind.  So, finding the good in people, the good in the world is always a treat. Pretty much, an unexpected surprise every time.  And yet, there really is a whole lot of nice people in the world, more nice people than mean. 

     But my husband and my grandson are definitely “one of the good ones”. There are others, I’ve always thought that my brother and my nephews were really good men too.  Why do we (me) tend to concentrate on the bad guys?  Keep an eye on all the wrong stuff going on in the world? I didn’t think too much about it until I heard that song, and then I started thinking about all the good men I know, I realized I have pretty much only focused on what’s wrong with the crazy, mean men of the world.  Especially politicians and celebrities.  Lol.  And I’m sure there are many really nice politicians and celebrities, but a lot of focus is put on them when they screw up, that’s for sure. There is indeed a lot of greed and corruption in their business.

     So, this has been eye-opening and refreshing to put my focus on “some of the good ones”.  Don’t get me wrong, I’ve known for a thousand years how awesome my husband is and how blessed I am to be married to such an incredible man.  I’ve also known how sweet and smart my grandson is, since his birth.  But I tend to take the attention off the good, too often.  I’m so grateful to know and more importantly, be married to “one of the good ones” and I’m grateful for all the nice, random people milling about the planet. 

Question of the Week:  Do you know at least one of “One of the good ones”?

Tell us about them. 

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Karen

    Wow I finally found this one! Very nice, and up lifting “One of the Good Ones”. !!

    1. admin

      Thanks Karen!

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