Grandma’s in Recovery Welcomes you

Hi, my name is Debbie and I am a grandmother of 6 biological children and two biological great grandchilden.   I also have 6 grandchildren through my marriage.  All of which I’ve been a part of since their births.   My husband and I have 6 kids between us and we’ve been married over 34 years, together over 36 years.  We are in recovery for over 34 years, almost 35  for my husband very soon.

Through all these many years, we’ve been through many ups and downs and heartbreak and happiness.  Pretty much like most people, doing life on life’s terms.   I know that as a young grandmother, I sure could have used some advice and direction from women in recovery, but somehow, we’ve muddled through and still going strong.

So since I am talking about blended families, does anyone else have similar situations?

This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. admin

    Hello Everyone, this blog should be ready to roll!

  2. James Faulkenberry

    It’s looking good so far.

    1. admin

      Thank-you my co-grandparentor, (is that a word?) lol

  3. Karen

    Hi Debbie, Congratulations on your new blog! This is very exciting!😊 I am a grandmother of three grandchildren and two Great grandchildren. Looking forward to Grandmas in Revovery!

    1. admin

      Thank-you Karen, grandparenting is such a joy. However, there can be challenges as well, like when your own children are drinking or using. This has been an ongoing problem in our life, I know I’m not the only one, it can be a very heartbreaking also.

  4. Nana

    I hear you and I’m with you. Other side of the family. Same issues. Lots of love. From the other side of the Mississippi.

    What a great format.

    1. admin

      Thank-you Nana, I am so happy you’ve joined us! I’m hoping for experience, strength and hope to be shared here and I know you have a lot to offer in that area! KCB!

  5. Monica Cardenas

    Hey there Debbie, I love that God laud this on you and that you are sharing you experiences with us. My name is Monica and I have a blended family as well no grand kiddos yet but I have 3 biological grown kids two boys 27 and 23 and my daughter 22 all of them use. The youngest of these off and on. Then there are my spouses children whom I’ve had the pleasure of co parenting for approx nine years. The youngest is 15 who we still have with us the rest are 23,25,30. I have seven years clean my husband six. We are extremely grateful.

    1. admin

      Hi Monica, thank-you for sharing, this blog is a works in progress and I appreciate your entry. Please check in every so often and see how our blog progresses!

    2. admin

      Hello Monica, I hope you are still checking out my blogs. I think you might enjoy some of them.

  6. admin


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