Dog Days

Dog Days of Summer | Clear Lake, Iowa | Chamber of Commerce

My blog for August 16th

Dog Days!

    It’s hot. Period. It’s summer, duh. It’s supposed to be hot, but it seems to be dragging on and on, no relief. That’s what they call the “dog days of summer”. 

     I also have another issue of dog days.  About four years ago, on our boy’s 8th birthday, he wanted a dog.  Of course, what little boy doesn’t?  But this boy is crazy about all dogs.  Dogs and cars. So, I went to the shelter and got him a very cute Cocker Spaniel that was brought in with another dog they say looked like Tramp.  So, they called her Lady and so do we.

     She’s a sweet dog and I have grown to love her.  But here’s the thing, it turns out Cocker Spaniels like to pee and poop inside the house!  Here’s the other thing, when the boy says “I’ll take care of it, I promise”, I knew better.  I have had other kids with the same mantra, and it’s never been true.  And guess what? It’s still not.

     At times, when I’m cleaning up after this dog, I find myself feeling resentful.  I usually get over it about half hour after I’m done cleaning up.  But here’s the other thing- if I say something to the boy about it, he gets very angry at me.  Why do you suppose that is?  Mix his rudeness with my latent resentment and I’m about ready to snap!

Whew! this heat!

    Now, you mix that volatile situation with the ongoing, day after day heat and humidity and all-round miserable days, and boom, we have a perfect opportunity to work our program. You thought I was gonna say explode huh?

      I have to ask myself, what step might apply to this? I came up with several for this one.  Especially step one.  I am so very powerless over little boys, dogs and the weather.  When I don’t know that – the insanity kicks in (two).  Then I quickly have to look at step three and turn it all over to my God.  Whew! What a relief already.

     But wait, there’s more, if I continue to hold onto the resentments and wallow in the misery of the heat.  I need to take a look at that and try to find the solutions.  Then I have to look at what character defects I have involved in these problems.  For me, with this one I find 1.) Self-pity (right at the top of the list- poor me).  2.) Laziness – oh yes, the heat makes me lazy and I don’t want to keep cleaning up after a mutt I never wanted in the first place (I don’t really feel that way, just when I’m fed up).  3.) Intolerance – with the boy, the dog and the weather. I know there’s probably more, but I think you get my drift here. 

     Letting all these things outside my control have ownership over my feelings and cause me to be hateful, anxious and ready to leave! It is just plain silly.  But yet, all of that was lying on the edge of my emotions.  Thank goodness I have these steps, this plan, that helps me combat my own frustrations and insecurities. 

Hot and Bothered: Does Heat Make People Aggressive? | Psychology Today

     I can also live in the solution by doing chores in the morning or evening when it’s cooler.  Teaching the boy how to take better care of his own dog.  Go swimming!  Call a friend, talk to my husband about it or watch a good movie with the fans and the cooler on.

    It may be the Dog Days of summer, but I don’t have to act like a dog.  I can take an honest look at myself and then turn it over and start again.  No one is perfect, no, not one. 

     No matter what may be getting under your skin on these long hot summer days, you are only a step away from your solution too.  

Question of the Week:  How’s the summer days treating you? Anyone or anything getting on your last nerve?  If so, what are you doing about it?

Tips for Keeping Your Dog Safe This Summer – American Kennel Club
Try to stay cool my peeps!

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