Get Away

Image result for google images of lake superior
Lake Superior

Blog for August 30, 2021

     I realize that it is not always easy to get away. Some people seem to get away much more than others, and some, never go anywhere.  Just to work and back or the store and back. It seems like they need it the most.

     I think I’m somewhere in the middle. Usually when I get away, I still have kids and a husband and people to take care of. But this time, I’m on a bucket list trip with a couple of my girlfriends, sponsees that I love so much and they know how to care for themselves.

     Right now, I’m up in the air, as I write this. We had a change over in Chicago and now onto Duluth airport. Yes, Duluth everybody, I told you, it’s a bucket list thing, aka Lake Superior. I’ve rented us a cabin about half way up the Lake coast.  I have had the privilege of seeing and dipping my toe in the other four great lakes, so this trip will complete the set. 😊  The grandest one of all.

    This lake is massive, touching three states and two countries. The largest fresh water lake in the world. A wonderful gift from God to our planet.

     As I embark on this journey my heart is with some friends and family sick with Covid. My heart is also with my husband and grandson. My heart is very much with my friends that are taking this journey with me.  I’m praying for our time together of laughter, hugging, sharing, resting, relaxing, enjoying.  Enjoying each other and nature. I value nature far above cities and bright lights and loud traffic and sirens.

    On this respite we will do step work, we will dance and sing, hike, take tons of pictures, love each other to pieces and value our precious and rare time together like this.  We will renew our spirts and souls, refresh with our Higher Power and each other. What a wonderful gift this is.

     Do I feel guilty?  No, I’ve paid my dues and a trip like this is long overdue. It doesn’t mean I’m not thinking about and praying like crazy for all the people I know in pain and need prayer right now. It doesn’t mean I don’t think of my husband and grandson a lot, because I sure do.  They are my life.

Fall 2019
View from our deck

     But, just as the stewardess is telling me I need to put on my oxygen mask first, in order to save another, that’s what my trip is all about.  If I take care of me, my soul and spirit, my mental and emotional health, then I will be in much better shape to care for those of whom God has put on my path.

     Both of the ladies I’ll be spending time with in the cabin on the lake have had a pretty rough year, or longer.  We’ve all lost friends and relatives, beloved pets and dealt with people who have not been so loving towards us.  One is dealing with MS, one has had a serious case of Covid. But though it all, we have all stayed clean and in recovery. We believe God is good and the twelve steps work.

     We all have children, grandchildren with a couple on the way. Monica is gonna be a grandma for the first time and I’m expecting my third great grandchild. God is good.

     We needed this- heck, who don’t?  It’s not that I’m rich or smarter than anyone else, it’s just I’ve been clean a long time by the grace of God. I’ve lived long enough to know I need to refresh, in order to keep serving and giving. I’ve been clean long enough to know how to budget and plan. This trip is a bucket list thing and I booked the cabin back in January. I don’t do stuff like this off the cuff anymore. Although I wish I could, I just don’t. I’ve learned to take care of responsibilities first.

     The original plan was to bring my grandson, he really wants to see Lake Superior too, and I know he will, he has his whole life ahead of him. Things changed, he is back in school and sports, which is so awesome.

May be an image of 3 people, including Monica Sheppard, nature and waterfall
See my beautiful friends.

     Our plane is getting ready to land, I see the sitting sun as we land and look at my friend Teri, so excited for this adventure and to see our Monica. Been way too long.  I’ll get back to you on the rest.

    Well, this is day four at the cabin, and it is beautiful, peaceful and restful. The perfect spot for us. We’ve been up and down the coastal road and this awesome lake goes on forever and ever, amazing. We even drove up to the Canadian boarder and the lake never left us.  I’m looking out the second story window right now and see the sun glittering on the lake, so beautiful.

      Unfortunately, one of the people I have been praying for passed away from Covid while we’ve been here. My long-time friend, his wife is in deep grief. I’m still praying for her and family. Some of the others are still hanging on.  It is so sad.  You never know when your time is up, so I say live your best life now, while you can.  Refresh your soul, get away and get a new perspective, give love and get love.

     Getaways do not have to be so elaborate, it can be a day at a beach, lake, mountain near you.  A walk in nature or a an overnight trip to see family or friends. Refresh.

Firepit view

    Yes, God is good. We’ve had an easy does it time of adventure, sharing, sightseeing, loving and learning.  I will hold this trip in my heart forever and ever. It is rare to share a time like this with two people you can trust and tell anything to. I do not take it for granted or take it lightly. We are blessed to the max. 

      Question of the Week:   Have you been on a little “getaway” to refresh your soul? If not, plan it now. 

Panoramic view from the loft or main floor
Our Crib!

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