Never Forget!

Blog for September 13, 2021

Never Forget!

Never Forget Tickets, Sat, Sep 11, 2021 at 10:00 AM | Eventbrite

     Today is 9-11.  I remember the day well and I still cry and I’m still upset about the whole thing.  I pray to never ever forget. I also just read in Luke 12: 35-48-  Always be ready. Keep a watch out, do not stop believing, trying or waiting for your help to arrive. 

     As I watch and listen to some of the people who were there give account of how they had to figure out their own escape.  (As we well know, many did not even have that choice and there was no way none of them could have known what was about to happen)  Yet, some of them, once in the grip of crisis, fire, collapsing building and paralyzing fear, found a way to stay alive and get to help.

     Yes, we need to be watchful, we need to be ready, and yes, we look for someone to help us. The firemen, the police, the doctors, nurses, clergy, God and even strangers.  But the best course of action is to be ready to help yourself.

Children of Drug Addict Parents: Sana Lake Recovery Center
No one goes down alone!

     An addict in the grips of addiction is also in crisis.  Not at all like 9-11, but their own personal crisis. Yet, they really are not alone in their demise. Every addict affects no less than three to five other people, at least. When we are deep in our addiction, of our own making, it is not a surprise attack, it has been creeping in on ourselves daily, week after week, year after year, building on the pain and fear.

     If you have been clean for a while, I would like you to take a moment right now and think of your last few weeks of using drugs. Think about the last week, the last day of using.  Think about the pain, insanity and hurt you felt.  Hopelessness and shame were our creed, or constant companion.  Then think of your surrender, of how you reached out for help. No matter how you came to it: The law, physical and mental breakdown, family disowned you, financial issues, no matter how or what got you clean.  You are here now. 😊

     We must never forget the pain and horror of our own personal crisis in our addiction, and likewise, we must stand ready, we have a disease that is out to kill us and lays in wait.  Be watchful and keep your armor up.  That would be going to meetings, calling your sponsor and daily contact with another in recovery who cares about you and your recovery. Do no let go.

     “I look to the hills from whence comes my help”.  (Psalm 121:1.) Yes, we should remain hopeful and always ask God for help, I can’t do it alone. Yet, I cannot just sit here and do nothing for myself.  If I want to get well, healthy, happy, better, we must participate in our own recovery.  Just like those survivors on 9-11, we have to help those who help us to get out of this crisis. 

Question of the Week:  Have you forgotten where you came from? Have you forgotten the pain?  Never forget!

Freedom From Addiction | Freedom Through Choice Foundation

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