Bullies & God

Blog for September 20th 2021

Bullies and trusting God.

     Well, it’s been a very interesting week.  My grandson has been getting bullied at school. Mainly at his lunch time.  He’s been telling me bits and pieces for a couple of weeks and then he told me how on the bus a kid took his back pack and went through it and took his cell phone.

     So, I was pretty upset about that and him being bullied, when you are twelve it can be a lot to handle.  I was worried about him and mad about it all.  I am tired of bullies. They are everywhere! Starting with the government, employers, over bearing so called friends, pushy people – even in the meetings. Sometimes, I feel bullied by my grandson. However, I’m an adult and I’ll deal with all this.  He’s a kid and I don’t like punks picking on him. 

     We certainly are not new to any of this, we have been through this kind of stuff with all our kids and some grandkids. But that does not make this ok.  So, I called the school and the bus people and I also thought of changing his school.  After all is said is done, he would not help me help him and my hands are tied. I am powerless once again.

Bullied or harassed and lonely - Loneliness NZ

     So, after talking with my husband about it all, I am going to back off, trust God and let the boy work his way through it. When he wants our intervention, he will tell us.  He is a smart boy and I think he has good thinking about it all. Plus, there are cameras everywhere: At the school, on the bus and now he has a couple of teachers and a counselor and his bus driver that are alerted to all this.  I don’t know if I’m right or wrong, but I am feeling a bit relieved about letting go.  I can’t follow him everywhere!

     Meanwhile, I had seen a post on a fb page about a morning zoom meeting and so I logged on and a lady on there shared about her twelve-year-old son wanting to hurt himself and she was so upset about how the hospital and everyone handled it.  They kept him for seventy-two hours and it was really hard. So, because of her, I shared about our situation and that I was trying to live in the solution and was just looking for a little balance and support before calling the school and everyone.

    A couple of ladies reached out to me and I did call a couple of them the next day.  One is in Vermont and I will call her back again.  This program never ceases to amaze me.  I didn’t know any of them and yet, they were so familiar to me, my family.  That’s the thing about recovery and a twelve-step program.  I love it. 

    I got back on to the zoom meeting the next day to let them know that things were better, or at least, we were indeed living in the solution and trusting God has been a focus of mine these last couple of weeks. Actually, since August 31st when I found out that our boy had to be quarantined and my daughter had covid. I just know I need to trust God in all my/our circumstances. Let go and let God.  That of course doesn’t mean we just always sit around and wait for God to handle everything and we do nothing. 

     We must be actively involved in our own lives and do the footwork, use the tools and live in the solution, then leave the results to Him.  I feel like I did what I could and now I will leave it to the boy and God to deal with.  I’m not the only one around here that can solve problems and deal with the bullies. 

    So, just for today, I’m letting go of it and putting my focus on what I can do.  I am in the middle of a big project sorting through memories and dealing with a lot of stuff, I’ll continue with that. Get on with my own life.

  • Note: Today the boy and I went to church and the sermon was on Joshua 7, I guess there have always been bullies! But God had their backs, so all they had to do was admit where they had screwed up and ask Him to forgive and help. So we’re gonna try that. That doesn’t mean the boy screwed up with those guys, but somewhere he did. So have I, we will examine ourselves and check it out. Then, Trust God!
Supporting a bullied child - Harvard Health

Question of the Week: Have you ever been bullied? Or have you been a bully?   How’d that turn out?

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