
Blog for Oct. 11th 2021

     Cherish:to protect and care for lovingly.” “To hold dear”. “a memory in your mind that you hold onto with love.” 

     My recovery is certainly something I hold dear and I cherish it in my heart and mind.  Without it, none of this week’s events would have been possible in such a way that I could see and feel the worth of all the events around me. Time is definitely something to cherish and hold in the highest of value. I wasted so much time in my addiction, but now every moment becomes that much more precious, especially time with family and friends.

     This week was Fall break and as luck would have it, it was also my birthday week, Lol. I only say that because my beautiful, sweet daughter arranged for us to spend some time in the mountains with her fourteen-year-old twins and my twelve-year-old grandboy that I raise and my sweet little three-year-old great grandson, which is her grandson.  

     So, there we were, in a cute little cabin in the mountains.  I really did enjoy my time with them, I will always cherish it. The day after we got home it was my actual birthday and I had the privilege and honor of taking my fourteen-year-old granddaughter to the big city to shop for a Homecoming dress. For me, it was a blessed and sweet time with her, a day I will cherish always.  

     Also, while we were in the city I went by sister’s house, her daughter and son-in-law who lived there with her and took care of her in her dementia until her death in April are still living there.  I went to get a picture that my sister Judy had bought many years ago and it reminded her of us.  So, it was given to me. I cherish it very much also, it was like I got a birthday present from my sister, one more time.  I miss her so very much.  This was a huge blessing for me.

    Later that evening we had dinner plans with our most cherished friends.  Making it a very special birthday for me. I had tons of b day wishes on fb and messages. I felt so blessed. I do cherish all my family and friends.

     We rounded off the week with a gender reveal for our third great grand baby to come in February.  I’m sure he’ll be just as sweet as his big brother.  Definitely loved and cherished forever.

     I think of that old song, “Cherish”, the lyrics say “cherish is a word I use to describe all the feelings I have hiding here inside.” And I have a lot of feelings hiding here inside.  Without my recovery, I would not have this life of love. This life of give and take.  I would just only be taking, if I were still alive, which I doubt. 

     There is so much that I cherish thanks to being clean and in recovery. Thanks to working the twelve steps and going to meetings and hanging out with other recovering people. Strong and devoted people, in their own recovery. 

    I think I will make a list of all that I cherish. All that I hold dear. I know it would start with my relationship to my Higher Power and my husband. As I mentioned in the beginning, time is the most precious commodity I have, that we all have.   My list continues to grow from there. I will make that list for myself, it’s good for us to look at the gifts we’ve been given and the life we have made for ourselves in our recovery.

Question of the Week:   How about you? Can you make a “Cherish” list? 

'Cherish every moment' Quote Postcard |

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Monica

    Thank you so much for sharing these cherished moments. I could take a huge lesson in this. I love alot. and sometimes sadness will overshadow all the things I have to be hugely grateful for. Joy Robbing Moments!!! only moments in a long list of gratitude. I am going to go meditate on some cherished moments and remember to be grateful that today I get to be clean and show up for life

    1. admin

      I’m glad you liked it and it gave you something to reflect on – cherished moments. One day, it may be all we have.

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