
Serendipity | Georgia Public Broadcasting

For November 8, 2021

The occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way. A stroke of good fortune. Aka, when cool stuff happens right on time and out of nowhere when you least expect it.

     In the Artist Way, a program that I have used and still do, developed by Julia Cameron, suggests we watch out for “serendipity”.

     Therefore, I’m always on the lookout for serendipitous situations. On Friday this week, I happened to have a very serendipitous day, it was so great!  I love when things flow and fall in place without a struggle.  That also tells me that God’s will is in it.

     But let me back up to Wednesday, the day that my Love and I went and bought the flooring for our dining room. It was a lot so we had to make two trips.  My son was supposed to help us, but I couldn’t find him, so as we turned the corner of our street, I saw two of our teenage neighbor boys outside.  I walked over and ask if they could help us unload. They were so sweet about it and came to help, with both loads. That was serendipity already beginning, because it wasn’t planned, God put them there where I could see them at just the right moment and gave me the idea to ask them.

     The next morning however, I was fighting back tears, I had lost a few important things and we were in the middle of pulling up the carpet so we could lay the new floor in the dining room and my house was practically turned upside down, stuff everywhere. I was feeling defeated, tired, hurting physically and felt like God had moved away from me.  For me, there is nothing worse than a spiritual void. That’s what happens in active addiction, but it grows and stays with me constantly when I’m using.

     I very quietly said a small, simple prayer.  “Lord, I try so hard and yet, I just can’t seem to get it right, please help”. I was feeling the pain of having a son who is addicted, unreliable and appears to be lazy (that is only in active addiction).  So, I did what I’ve been taught to do in my recovery. I went to an NA zoom meeting that morning, just listened, prayed, read my bible, journaled, and gave it all to the Lord. I have to do my part as well.

     The next day I prayed up and went to run errands. When I did, things started falling into place, most of which was unexpected, but it was all good stuff. But the best part was, I stopped at a new store by my house and out came one of our grandsons.  I thought he was working, but there he was, a day off and I told him about how his grandpa was struggling trying to put in the floor and my son was not reliable. Our grandson came and helped.  He got the floor in because he is so smart, hard-working and helpful. 

What to do when you don't feel like praying

     I was certainly feeling hopeful and better about things.  But this is what my twelve-step program has taught me, “Don’t quit five minutes before the miracle”.  I have learned that lesson time and time again. So, just hang on and things will change.

     I knew when I was feeling defeated that it would pass, that God always has my back.  I just have to keep putting one foot in front of another and do what’s in front of me to do.  I can slow down, I can rest, I retreat & regroup.  But do not quit. Do not throw the towel in and let the evil one have his way with me, he knows my soft spots and he knows what will lead me back out.

     I am so grateful for a program and a life that taught me to give it to God, to let go and let Him. To keep on keep’n on.  A meeting, praying, writing, giving my problems and negative thoughts to Him was my solution, as always. 

    Then, I got to watch serendipity come into play and know that God was doing His thing for me.  Because even when it’s darkest, I still need to watch for God’s movement and love and concern in my life.  He is always helping me.  Sometimes I see it outright, and sometimes I don’t acknowledge His hand in it all until way later, if at all.

     I am so grateful that I belong to the “no matter what” club.  I pray to stay in the club until death does us part.

Question of the Week:  Have you noticed pockets of serendipity in your life lately, keep your eye out, it happens!

Courting Life's Treasures Through Serendipity | HuffPost Life

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