Holiday Children

Blog for December 27th, 2021

     Last post for 2021, I don’t even want to say anything about how hopeful I want to feel about 2022.  But I do like all the two’s.  This was another interesting week for me.  Not real mind blowing, not earth shattering, but some is sad, again, another friend died of covid this week.

      This friend was a huge presence in our community and he is being greatly hailed and commented on.  He helped so much in our community.  He was a retired policeman and also a recovering alcoholic.  He used to twelve step and pray for the people he arrested that were clearly addicts and alcoholics.  He was amazing. Giving, forgiving, kind, a role model in our community, always encouraging and ready with compliments.  Another great loss.

     Also, during this past week our boy had spent several days with his sisters.  It was a great blessing.  The three of them had not been together like that in years and years and they had a great time.  Now, I have my precious grand daughter here with us. I’m so happy.  I love having my kids for Christmas.  She is so sweet and so important to me. All my grandkids are, but I have a special bond with her from the years I spent trying to rescue her from her using, crazy parents. I kept her here as much as I could. She was even in my classroom in first grade.

     She has had a really hard time in her life, due to her parents using and a young pregnancy. We had her go live with her other grandma in the south.  Her and her baby.  Her grandma helped her get through high school and helps her still with this and that. She is also raising the baby girl, who is already eight years old. 

     All that to say, she is in my heart. My heart and soul.  I love her dearly and she is another victim of this horrid disease. So, I have always tried to compensate, to be a safety net and help her though life. There are so many children who are victims of addiction through no fault of their own.  The best we can do for them is to stay clean ourselves and to love them. Be there as best we can. And lots of prayer, lots of healthy role modeling.

     These “Holiday Children” are my gift right now, but it causes me to think of how so many kids only see parents on holidays, if at all. These grandkids of mine, the three siblings, tried to call their mom, it was also her birthday. But they cannot get a hold of her, her phone number changes often. It is very hard to find her and she does not seek these children out. These kids are caught in the crossfire of addictions.

      Even the rich, famous and “normies” have to share their kids due to divorce and the such. It happens, the kids are shuffled from one place to another.  But the children of addicts know a deeper pain and confusion that leaves them feeling some responsibility. They often feel guilty for their situation, thinking that if they were better, good boys and girls, then the family would be together. Ugh!! 

     It’s a sad and difficult situation, but we try to give them some semblance of normalcy and lots of love and care.  I hate drugs. But I love the addict, my son. He did good today. He took two of his kids to the movie.  He took them for taco’s and brought them back here for dinner and Christmas movies. 

     I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and holiday time. As we enter into the last week of the 2021 year.  Hold close the ones you love and care for. Seek your goals and dreams and be good to yourself, so you can be good to those you care for.

Question of the Week:  Do you have Holiday Children? Or were you a Holiday Child?   

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