A Breath of Fresh Air

Blog for January 17th, 2022

A breath of Fresh Air

     I may have already mentioned this, but, we, like many of you, have had to quarantine again- and again.  We really don’t go out around a lot of people, but we do see some of our kids from time to time, and then every time afterwards, they test positive and we’re back in quarantine. Ugh! 

     And really, that’s ok, I’d rather stay home than go out looking for something to kill me.  We have lost many people during this surge since September.  So, we don’t go out to eat or to movies, concerts, church, meetings, or anywhere that we’ll be in small areas with a lot of people, it’s self-preservation.  Let me just say, I’m so grateful for zoom!

This Rainbow Basin National Natural Landmark Stock Photo (Edit Now) 82319302

     However, with that said, I was starting to go a little stir crazy, getting those winter blues and cabin fever.  I do keep myself busy, lots of projects around the house, but I really needed to get out and breath.  I do walk the dog most days, but I wanted off the block.  So, we made a plan and off we went to visit a natural phenomenon in the desert.  We loaded up the car, took the boy and the dog and off we went.

     It was a fresh sun-shiny day and the scenery was awesome. Magical even. It was wonderful to go for a drive and then to see some spectacular landscape.  We had gone through a drive-thru and bought our lunch to take out into the desert with us.

     When we got to our destination where we like to park, there were five vehicles full of geologists.  That’s not the first time I’ve been there when geologists have been there, even from other countries.  I’m telling you, it’s a natural Phenom.  But the best part of it was breathing fresh air.  Feeling the sun on my face and watching the boy and dog feel free to run, climb and have fun.   

     As we relished in the outdoor fresh air, I thought about how getting clean and working steps is also like a breath of fresh air. Being clean and in recovery has opened up my airways, my mind, my heart, my choices, my life.  Like beathing fresh air again after being locked in the dungeon of my addiction.

     What a gift beathing fresh air is, it’s something that we might take for granted or not even notice that we’re not really breathing fresh air. If we live in a big city, with a lot of pollution we get so use to it that we don’t even notice. Like living in a dirty house that we get use to, we get blinders to the reality of it all.

     If you think it’s time for a new perspective, try getting out into the fresh air and taking deep breaths, while praying the serenity prayer or prayer of your choice.  Look around, really look around. Feel the weather, feel God.  Just feel how good it feels to be alive and clean.

Question of the Week:  Are you ready to go out for some fresh air?

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